Calendar of State Papers Relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots

Calendar of State Papers Relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, Joseph Bain

Essential documents, including large amounts of personal letters from the leading figures in English and Irish governments of the day, concerning affairs between England and Ireland in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

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Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, volume 1 (1547-1563), 896pp
$20.00 $10.00
Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, volume 2 (1563-1569), 843pp
$20.00 $10.00
Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, volume 3 (1569-1571), 832pp
$20.00 $10.00
Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, volume 4 (1571-1574), 853pp
$20.00 $10.00
Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, volume 5 (1574-1581)
$20.00 $10.00
Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, volume 6 (1581-1583)
$20.00 $10.00
Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, volume 7 (1584-1585)
$20.00 $10.00
Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, volume 8 (1585-1586)
$20.00 $10.00
Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, volume 9 (1586-1588)
$20.00 $10.00
Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, volume 10 (1589-1593), 1060pp
$20.00 $10.00
Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, volume 11 (1593-1595), 829pp
$20.00 $10.00
Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots, volume 12 (1595-1597), 676pp
$20.00 $10.00
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