Materials for the history of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury

Materials for the history of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury , James Craigie Robertson

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Materials for the history of Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury [William of Canterbury] [Rolls Series], volume 1 (1120-1170), 591pp
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Materials for the history of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury [Benedict of Peterborough, John of Salisbury, Alan of Tewkesbury, Edward Grim] [Rolls Series], volume 2 (1120-1170), 549pp
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Materials for the history of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury [William Fitzstephen, Herbert of Bosham] [Rolls Series], volume 3 (1120-1170), 590pp
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Materials for the history of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury [Anonymous Lives, Quadrilogus &c] [Rolls Series], volume 4 (1120-1170), 488pp
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Materials for the history of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury [Epistles: I-CCXXVI] [Rolls Series], volume 5 (1155-1166), 579pp
$20.00 $10.00
Materials for the history of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury [Epistles: CCXXVII-DXXX] [Rolls Series], volume 6 (1166-1169), 705pp
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Materials for the history of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury [Epistles: DXXXI-DCCCVIII] [Rolls Series], volume 7 (1169-1220), 640pp
$20.00 $10.00
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