Manuscripts of the Marquess of Downshire [Trumbull Papers]

Manuscripts of the Marquess of Downshire [Trumbull Papers], E.K. Purnell

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Manuscripts of the Marquess of Downshire: Papers of Sir William Trumbull [HMC], volume 1.1 (1645-1695), 527pp
$20.00 $10.00
Manuscripts of the Marquess of Downshire: Papers of Sir William Trumbull [HMC], volume 1.2 (1695-1728), 530pp
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Manuscripts of the Marquess of Downshire: Papers of William Trumbull the Elder [HMC], volume 2 (1605-1610), 596pp
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Manuscripts of the Marquess of Downshire: Papers of William Trumbull the Elder [HMC], volume 3 (1611-1612), 575pp
$20.00 $10.00
Manuscripts of the Marquess of Downshire: Papers of William Trumbull the Elder [HMC], volume 4 (1613-1614), 606pp
$20.00 $10.00
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