Manuscripts of the Duke of Portland preserved at Welbeck Abbey

Manuscripts of the Duke of Portland preserved at Welbeck Abbey, F.H. Blackburne Daniell

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Manuscripts of the Duke of Portland preserved at Welbeck Abbey (Nalson Manuscripts) [HMC, 13th Rep App I], volume 1 (1628-1683), 753pp
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Manuscripts of the Duke of Portland preserved at Welbeck Abbey (Harley MSS.i) [HMC, 14th Rep App II], volume 3 (1582-1700), 657pp
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Manuscripts of the Duke of Portland preserved at Welbeck Abbey (Harley MSS.ii) [HMC, 15th Rep App IV], volume 4 (1700-1711), 720pp
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Manuscripts of the Duke of Portland preserved at Welbeck Abbey (Harley MSS.iii) [HMC], volume 5 (1711-1724), 687pp
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Manuscripts of the Duke of Portland preserved at Welbeck Abbey (Harley MSS.iv, 1723-1745, with Index to Volumes III-VI) [HMC], volume 6 (1723-1745), 421pp
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Manuscripts of the Duke of Portland preserved at Welbeck Abbey (Harley MSS.v) [HMC], volume 7 (1710-1729), 550pp
$20.00 $10.00
Manuscripts of the Duke of Portland preserved at Welbeck Abbey (Harley & Petitions) [HMC], volume 8 (1625-1708), 460pp
$20.00 $10.00
Manuscripts of the Duke of Portland preserved at Welbeck Abbey (Harley MSS.vii, Letter Book of Sir John Holles, Letters from Copenhagen, The Hague & Utrecht, Protest of William Kidd, Petitions) [HMC], volume 9 (1597-1714), 446pp
$20.00 $10.00
Manuscripts of the Duke of Portland preserved at Welbeck Abbey. (Harley MSS.viii, Navy, Army, Office of Works, Scotland) [HMC], volume 10 (1565-1715), 560pp
$20.00 $10.00
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