Visitations of the North: or, some early Heraldic Visitations of, and Collections of Pedigrees relating to the North of England

Visitations of the North: or, some early Heraldic Visitations of, and Collections of Pedigrees relating to the North of England, F.W. Dendy

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Visitations of the North or, some Early Heraldic Visitations of, and Collections of Pedigrees relating to the North of England [Surtees Society], volume 1 (1552-1561), 296pp
$20.00 $10.00
Visitations of the North or, some Early Heraldic Visitations of, and Collections of Pedigrees relating to the North of England (Yorkshire) [Surtees Society], volume 2 (1563-1567), 277pp
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Visitations of the North. Visitations of Yorkshire and Northumberland in A.D. 1575 and a Book of Arms from Ashmole MS. no. 834 [Surtees Society], volume 4 (1575-1575), 239pp
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