Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland

Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland, Joseph Bain

This four volume series, covering the period 1105-1509, is one that all historians of medieval Scotland and England should have constantly by their side. The series provides calendared but detailed entries from the English archives of all records that deal with Scotland, from high diplomacy and treaty negotiations, to piracy, border raiding and cattle rustling.

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eBooks   Buy Ebook (download)
Calendar of Documents Relating to Scotland, volume 1 (1128-1272), 754pp
$25.00 $12.50
Calendar of Documents Relating to Scotland, volume 2 (1272-1307), 790pp
$25.00 $12.50
Calendar of Documents Relating to Scotland, volume 3 (1307-1357), 685pp
$25.00 $12.50
Calendar of Documents Relating to Scotland, volume 4 (1357-1509), 726pp
$25.00 $12.50
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