Ecclesiastical Memorials relating chiefly to Religion and the Reformation of It and the Emergencies of the Church of England

Ecclesiastical Memorials relating chiefly to Religion and the Reformation of It and the Emergencies of the Church of England, John Strype

State Papers collected and published from a wide variety of archives in England and Ireland.

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Ecclesiastical Memorials relating to Religion and the Reformation of the Church of England, Henry VIII, volume 1.1 (1513-1546), 655pp
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Ecclesiastical Memorials relating to Religion and the Reformation of the Church of England, Henry VIII, volume 1.2 (1513-1546), 514pp
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Ecclesiastical Memorials relating to Religion and the Reformation of the Church of England, Edward VI, volume 2.1 (1537-1552), 618pp
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Ecclesiastical Memorials relating to Religion and the Reformation of the Church of England, Edward VI, volume 2.2 (1552-1553), 529pp
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Ecclesiastical Memorials relating to Religion and the Reformation of the Church of England, Mary I, volume 3.1 (1553-1556), 616pp
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Ecclesiastical Memorials relating to Religion and the Reformation of the Church of England, Mary I, volume 3.2 (1557-1558), 570pp
$20.00 $10.00
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